Business Intelligence and Analytics

Harness the power of data insights for intelligent decision making.


We live in a data-driven world. Organizations that can turn their data assets into rich insights will increase their efficiency, adapt faster to change, and better motivate their target customers.


With the guidance of expert data analysts, you can leverage your data into actionable insight that can advance your business. It’s time you work smarter, not harder.

If you’re ready to extract insights from your data that can enhance your performance and broaden your bottom line, Evolutyz has the business intelligence and analytics expertise you need. Let us know how we can help!


    Deeper understanding of your data supply.

    Business Intelligence & Reporting

    Make your data easy-to-use. Building intuitive dashboards that can enhance your employees’ ability to extract valuable and well-timed insight. Throughout our process, we get to know your business goals and primary KPIs to deliver a reporting experience that your employees adapt to like a fish to water.

    Data Modeling

    Is your organization using data to the fullest? Our data modeling services help you to analyze and define your data requirements to maximize data usage and performance within your organization. At the end of the process, you’ll understand where your business is at – and how to better manage and leverage your data going forward.

    Data Science

    Advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence can evaluate immense amounts of information to predict trends, gauge buyer motivations, and guide your actions. Our data experts are masters of implementing the data architecture, algorithms, and processes necessary for superior results – in real time.


    With our Business Intelligence and Analytics, you’ll see

    Our Analytics Process

    A complete framework for a richer ROI

    Discovery & Planning


    Before you can run, you need to walk. We’ll help you to get your balance and bearings around data maturity, setting the stage for successful analytics to come.


    • Great analytics delivers real-world value. Our analysts take the lessons and goals we learn from our stakeholder interviews to identify analytics solutions that can deliver a fast and robust ROI.
    • What’s the current state of your data? We conduct gap analyses of your data assets and analytical capabilities, mapping out which changes are needed to achieve your target insights.
    • After our vision is designed, Evolutyz will work with your team to chart out a project roadmap, analytical tools, and key milestones. We take the guesswork out of analytics.



    With a team of analytics experts in your corner, it’s time to get to work. Our experts work with urgency and efficiency, taking care to implement the high-quality analytics solution.


    • It’s time to set your data in order. Depending on your current state, our analytics team can consolidate your data sources into a centralized platform, establish a data pipeline, and even implement comprehensive data quality practices.
    • Make your data user friendly! We’ll create interactive dashboards and reporting platforms that offer true usability and insight.
    • Do your people know how to use your analytics tools? At the end of our training session, they’ll know how to access essential reports and make the most of your analytics.

    Insights & Outcomes


    Now that you have potent insight: what’s next? The Evolutyz team can help you maintain the positive momentum of your analytics, gaining strategic takeaways now and in the future.


    • Was your analytics project a big win? Let’s repeat it. Evolutyz can help you maximize the results of your proof of concept, implementing the wins and lessons enterprise-wide.
    • Nowadays, every business needs to embrace a data-driven culture. We can help your team to adopt practices that funnel a steady flow of quality data into your organization.
    • What other analytics opportunities are on the horizon? With your newfound analytics in place, we can create a blueprint to expand your capabilities to match ongoing progress.


    News and trends in the world of Analytics.

    AI in Analytics: Ethical Dilemmas and Responsible Practices

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of analytics, providing unprecedented insights and capabilities. From predicting consumer behavior to optimizing supply chains, AI-driven analytics is transforming industries. However, with great power comes great responsibility. The ethical implications of AI in analytics are significant, raising questions about bias, privacy, accountability, and transparency. In this blog, we […]


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    Drill Smartly Into BigData with the Intelligent Tool Attributes

    A shrewd corporate leader or marketer is the one who realizes the scheme of things, visualizes the big picture as well as future trends, and takes business decisions based on his/her judgment. However, given the continuous big-data explosion and bombarding of information, it has become quite a challenging task for business decision makers to take […]


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    Do you love digging into complex data to find insights with real-world value? We want to meet you!