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The 4 Key Benefits of Continuous Integration Testing for Your Business

December 10, 2020 - DevOps


The rise of mobile app development and digital transformations normalized the idea of ongoing and rapid change with the applications everyday people use. In fact, consumers and business users alike expect it. Yet to prevent each new code iteration from derailing the ever-growing train of modifications and additions to an application, businesses need to adopt […]


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Drive Success with DevOps: 3 Essential Best Practices

October 15, 2020 - DevOps


  Higher quality, faster speed to market, and greater innovation. These three qualities alone spell out why the development world has fallen head over heels for DevOps methodology. Yet, even though a majority of organizations aspire to be great DevOps shops, there’s a disconnect between their ambitions and reality. In fact, an HBR survey found […]


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5 Best Practices for DevOps Transformation

November 14, 2018 - DevOps, Generic


The constant changes happening in the industry can be challenging to keep up with. To address it using DevOps could mean a colossal shift to the cloud, a cultural transformation, changes in roles and responsibilities of the individuals and teams, automation of processes, and so on. All these changes coming together can be overwhelming for […]


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