
How DevOps and Cloud together can help businesses?

by Raghav Hunasgi on September 23, 2019 in Generic


“The right approach, methodologies and appropriate implementation of DevOps and Cloud together can make a huge impact and drive meaningful business transformation.”

In today’s world of digital transformation, if you want to enhance the competitiveness of your business, you need the right combination of technologies and practices in place. To achieve this, companies are leveraging two independent reinforcing strategies – DevOps and Cloud.

In the simplest form: DevOps is merely part of the software development methodology aimed at process improvement, while Cloud, on the other hand, is about implementing technology and services. Cloud, coupled with DevOps, significantly increases the scalability of organizations while reducing the cost of infrastructure and maximizing global reach. The proper blend of DevOps and Cloud can give transformation goals of enterprises.

Where it all started?

It started during the transition of the product economy to a service economy and left its impact on software delivery.

Expertise in the industry wanted to enhance customer experience rather than just focusing on products. The earlier practices were centric towards developing a software product and give responsibilities to the clients to take care of the operations. When Cloud came into the picture, service providers started incorporating the responsibility of taking care of operations and, that was the beginning stage of transformation in software development and delivery.

The current business environment is pushing enterprises to become more agile and innovative rather than focusing on being stable. Digital transformation disruption is happening at a rapid pace, big market giants like Microsoft and Apple have no choice but to innovate and keep up the speed with the disruption in order to survive, grow, and evolve in the digital world. To survive and succeed in the current business environment, enterprises need to change the way they work and their approach. They must work towards incorporating faster workflow, timely delivery, and operational efficiencies.

Most cloud computing providers support DevOps aggressively on their platform, making DevOps cloud-centric enable Continuous Integration and offering tools for Continuous Development.

What drives to bring DevOps and Cloud together?

DevOps helps developers and operational teams to work together with the cloud as a common language. They can quickly adapt to changes and learn from each other. For example, developers can guide the operational team about the code and the operational team in return can guide them about infrastructure and security.

The combination alluded to drive meaningful business transformation to seek new opportunities in the respective service lines. Though both are mutually exclusive, if used together, it can go a long way and provide compelling results eventually.

Are you keen to accelerate your digital transformation journey?

Evolutyz Corp DevOps is the place where you need to start your journey. We provide business offerings that can help automate, optimize your work environment and, monitor your application delivery with ease. Our time-tested DevOps practices entail Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous testing and delivery, Test automation, and Cloud adoption with the right approaches that blend well with your company requirements. Get in touch with our IT consulting experts now!