Tag: Candidate

Apps to destress your mind at the workplace

April 19, 2016 - Generic


The workplace is the most challenging destinations where you are allotted multiple responsibilities to handle at the same time. Studies show that people who undergo massive work pressure develop stress gradually. Therefore, it is extremely important for individuals to ease themselves during work.  Here are the apps  to destress your mind at the workplace. Apps […]


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5 Things can help you to get hired

July 17, 2015 - Generic


Every job interview comes up with a real challenge and the biggest dare is to hit the bull’s eye and turn everything in your favor. As we shared many job interview tips with you in our previous posts but this time you will come to know how 5 things can help you to get hired […]


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How to deal with a hostile interviewer

June 16, 2015 - Generic


It takes a lot of hard work to get a job of your dream and the most difficult phase is to go through an interview process, where you have chances to make it or lose it. With the time interview process has become more gentrified and dignified, moreover interviewers try to make their candidate feel […]


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6 courses can help you to land a job more easily

March 16, 2015 - Consultant, Generic


After college job search becomes a major concern for every graduate, if you are still in college then, these 6 courses can help you to land a job more easily – Professional Development The first step towards a job search is to learn how to present yourself to the prospective employer, by professional development course […]


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Hottest Apps For Job Search

November 24, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Searching for a job isn’t always easy, and especially when there is a vast competition in the marketplace. Online Job boards and social media websites are a great tool to find opportunities, but to hunt down new career you don’t need to stick to your computer 24/7. With the help of android or iPhone and […]


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Use Twitter As Your Job Search Resource

November 11, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


When we talk about job search through social media the first social media platform that comes in our mind is LinkedIn isn’t it? LinkedIn is a network where job seekers meet with the enormous opportunities. But can candidates think of using Twitter as a Job search tool? And the answer is absolutely yes, because Twitter […]


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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Hobbies And Interests In CV

May 20, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Hobbies and interests section plays a key role in CV . It gives you opportunities to showcase your abilities and personality to the potential employer. Hobbies and interests in CV enhance your chances during job interview. They are the doorway to your success. Well executed hobbies and interest have potential to compensate lack of education […]


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Job Seekers: Negotiate Starting Salary

May 16, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Job seekers generally find it difficult to negotiate starting salary, as every company gives room for negotiation to candidates. Researchers found that job-seekers who negotiated their salaries during the hiring process increased their salaries an average $5000. Negotiating starting salary can increase the chances of higher compensation but many candidates do not get involved in […]


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What Recruiters Expect From Job Seekers

May 6, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


 Recently U.S. News published article on “A recruiter’s wish –list for job seekers in which top recruiters and coaches shared their thoughts on hiring process. Almost every Job-seeker would like to know recruiter’s expectations during hiring process. According to Arnie Fertig (The story’s writer)– The Association of Career Professionals International – New England an organization […]


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Make Your Linkedin Profile Standout For Job Search

May 2, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


LinkedIn is the top professional networking site and for job seekers its tools help to find better opportunities and connect them to prospective employers. Content plays a key role in linkedin profile , that works as resume and make employer or recruiter to shortlist right candidate for job interview. Here are some tips for creating […]


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