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Create A Powerful Corporate PowerPoint Presentation

April 15, 2014 - Generic


Your business is all about selling, whether they are products, services or any concept.  The first thing that grows your business is your company’s presentation.  And when it comes to creating a PowerPoint presentation then it takes a lot of efforts and creativity to come up with the best one.  So here come techniques to […]


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Quick Tips To Write An Effective Business Email

April 11, 2014 - Generic


E-mail is the most common form of written communication in business world, especially when you are pitching a potential client. It’s a challenge to write an impressive business email because your writing skills decide the response of prospective buyer. Follow these simple rules to get your emails noticed and acted upon. For an effective Business […]


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Tips To Be A Successful Intern

April 8, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


In our last post we discussed about important considerations when choosing a company for internship. Today our tips will help you to come up as the best intern during your internship. Tips to be a successful intern:- Keep a willing attitude: Whenever you have an opportunity to work on new project, then always keep positive […]


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Important Considerations When Doing An Internship

April 4, 2014 - Generic


Internship plays a vital role in our career. It enhances knowledge, skills and as well as experience. Internship is a gateway to explore and experience the real corporate world which is an add-on to the curriculum vitae.  In addition to this, the best part of doing an internship is that you get an opportunity to […]


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Mobile Apps – Great Tool For Business Growth

April 1, 2014 - Generic


In this fast paced world, technology is playing tremendous role to make our life easier and comfortable. Let’s talk about recent invention of mobile devices smart phone, I-phone, I-pad, tablet and other amazing mobile gadgets that provide us hi-tech lifestyle. As we move ahead we are getting used to these mobile gadgets and the fact […]


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When Choosing A Recruitment Company (Part 2)

March 28, 2014 - Generic


In our last post we talked about techniques to find best recruitment company for Industry. Today we will move further with the same topic and help Job seekers to find best recruitment agency for better opportunities. Know your objective as a Job Seeker The first step towards finding a recruitment company is to set your […]


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When Choosing A Recruitment Company (Part 1)

March 25, 2014 - Generic


Whether you are an  Industrialist or a Job seeker, recruitment company  plays important role for both.  Now- a-days for staffing search most of the companies prefer to outsource, on the other hand for better opportunity job seekers also knock the door of recruitment companies.  But choosing a hiring agency is as difficult as finding the […]


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How ERP Improves Your Decision Making

March 21, 2014 - Generic


When you typically handle a company or a group then you probably prefer to invest into something that can help in growth and revenue of the business lets take an example here – We buy tools to make products and to increase the work capacity we install machines and for designing and selling products we […]


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Hire an IT consultant for the business growth

March 19, 2014 - Generic


In order to exist in highly competitive industries, every company needs an experienced IT Consultant who could take a business to the next level. Information technology expert not only maintains the target for your organization but also helps you to achieve high return on investment. Hiring a technology professional is always better than starting your […]


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Transform yourself into a better personality [Part2]

March 7, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


In the first part of this post we shared personality development tips, today we will continue with the same topic and talk about rest of it. Work Out For achieving good personality your outer appearance equally matters, by keep yourself fit you not only look impressive but also set an example as a well planned […]


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