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5 Types Of Candidates You Should Never Hire

May 30, 2014 - Generic


Recruitment is not an easy process for both recruiter and candidate.  Where candidate needs to perform outstandingly during a job interview on the other hand it becomes employer’s responsibility to judge each candidate minutely and choose the deserving one among the crowd, because one wrong judgment can lead a hiring manager into trouble.  There are […]


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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Hobbies And Interests In CV

May 20, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Hobbies and interests section plays a key role in CV . It gives you opportunities to showcase your abilities and personality to the potential employer. Hobbies and interests in CV enhance your chances during job interview. They are the doorway to your success. Well executed hobbies and interest have potential to compensate lack of education […]


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Job Seekers: Negotiate Starting Salary

May 16, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Job seekers generally find it difficult to negotiate starting salary, as every company gives room for negotiation to candidates. Researchers found that job-seekers who negotiated their salaries during the hiring process increased their salaries an average $5000. Negotiating starting salary can increase the chances of higher compensation but many candidates do not get involved in […]


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Employees Motivation For Company’s Success

May 9, 2014 - Generic


“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”  –  Dwight D. Eisenhower Searches on employees motivation is most common, every month approximately more than 7000, searches happen on internet. And when it comes to motivation then every employee needs it, motivation not […]


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What Recruiters Expect From Job Seekers

May 6, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


 Recently U.S. News published article on “A recruiter’s wish –list for job seekers in which top recruiters and coaches shared their thoughts on hiring process. Almost every Job-seeker would like to know recruiter’s expectations during hiring process. According to Arnie Fertig (The story’s writer)– The Association of Career Professionals International – New England an organization […]


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Make Your Linkedin Profile Standout For Job Search

May 2, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


LinkedIn is the top professional networking site and for job seekers its tools help to find better opportunities and connect them to prospective employers. Content plays a key role in linkedin profile , that works as resume and make employer or recruiter to shortlist right candidate for job interview. Here are some tips for creating […]


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Tips For Writing Thank You Note After Job Interview

April 29, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Writing a thank you note is important after your job interview, this shows your kind gesture towards the interviewer. It is always important to pay thanks to everyone who assisted you during the interview. Here are some tips to write the best thank you note. Send your thank you note as soon as possible within […]


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Warning Signs To Know Scam Job Offers

April 25, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Due to unemployment candidates generally get trapped into scam job offers, which lead them into trouble. Job seekers become vulnerable target to scammers. Therefore it is better to be alert before taking an opportunity. Your Research is the best defense through which you can report against internet scam job offers.  Here are some tip-offs that […]


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Techniques To Clear Psychometric Test

April 22, 2014 - Consultant, Generic


Psychometric test is the next step towards a recruitment process. Mostly big organizations conduct psychometric test  to select right candidate for the job profile. Though it is a crucial round of an interview but prior preparation can help to get through a psychometric test successfully. Psychometric test is conducted not to dismiss you but to […]


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Get Connected To Potential Leads Through Webinar

April 18, 2014 - Generic


Nowadays webinar has become very powerful source to convey about services and products worldwide not only this; even big personalities get connected to the world through webinars. There was a time when many companies used to spend huge amount of money for conducting seminars. Though seminar is another way to generate leads but it has […]


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